Inès Angelini, the taste of life!

Five years ago, after becoming aware, Inès Angelini decided to give meaning to her life. From lawyer to ceramic artist, she dared to take the plunge for a return to the essentials: Earth. The artist welcomes us to her Umami Ceramic workshop in Mougins and tells us the touching story of her professional reconversion.

It was in her very pretty house decorated with wisteria and green shutters that Inès Angelini gave me an appointment. The swimming pool and its sunbeds out of sight offer a bird's eye view of the village of Mougins. Here, everything is nothing but calm and beauty... In this idyllic environment, below, nestles his workshop called Umami Ceramic. Escorted by Octave, an elegant Weimaraner and Janis, a young Labradoodle who is a little runaway, we go down there. The space is spacious and bright, the shelves are decorated with superb vases, lamps, dishes, designed by his hands. We sit on the large table in the workshop, which hosted a workshop a few hours earlier. Inès, 34, tells us how she became a ceramic artist.

Earth... happy

Born in Nice, the young woman studied law, which she decided to finalize in Paris. “to see something else.” She even started working there, dreaming of the Institut Français de la Mode until a visit from her mother... “I had the sudden urge to go down with her. What I did! I missed my family too much.” It must be said that the family, for Inès, is sacred. Her 30-year-old younger sister, Marine, is starting with the “love of her life.” It is also thanks to this close-knit and loving family that Inès became a ceramic artist. After a few years working as a lawyer in intellectual property law in a Monegasque company, she became pregnant. But at the time, everything was not rosy despite this happy event and the purchase of a beautiful house. Inès is stressed at work, she has to take forced rest and experiences a traumatic birth. Several difficult months followed until she enrolled in a ceramic course to change her mind. In one session, it's a revelation. “Earth is hyper-meditative. I immediately felt the good it gave me, the texture, the concentration, the escape... I needed that. Each week I attended additional courses that I looked forward to. I perfected myself until I was thirty... My husband Marvin and my family, seeing the good that this activity gave me, united by offering me all the equipment I needed to practice at home. I had the pottery wheel, the kiln... Then, the first lockdown came as a bargain.” The couple takes turns taking care of their daughter. The young aspiring artist is devoting more and more time to her new passion. She is better, gives meaning to her life. As her wedding approaches, she makes gifts for the guests, a hundred plates, while her shares on social networks are attracting more and more subscribers...

A family story...

Everything began to gain momentum thanks to his grandfather, who was suffering from Charcot's disease.. “Every Thursday, to entertain him, I brought him my new creations, and since he knew how to do everything, he helped me with the electrical connections of my lamps. For Christmas, I spent a lot of time creating my first vase with boat chains for him, at the time in my small studio cabin at the end of the garden. This model was immediately a hit on my Instagram account. @umami_ceramic. As soon as I posted, three people ordered it from me. That's where my husband (real estate entrepreneur, editor's note) encouraged me to make it my profession and helped me with the business and financial aspects. It gave me confidence. I don't know if I would have taken the plunge without him.” Shortly after, when the much-loved grandfather died, Catherine, Inès' mother, suffered a lot. ”To help her, I offered to go back to the embroidery she used to do when I was a child. Since then, she has been making lampshades, tablecloths and napkins by choosing fabrics and customizing them with her hands!” Thanks to this teamwork, mother and daughter create unique pieces on demand. On the online store, collections with sweet Corsican names, inspired by Inès' paternal origins (Terra, Amoureux, Ombra, Gioia) are sent everywhere in France and to the four corners of Europe, sometimes even further afield!

Long-lasting aesthetics

Vases, dishes, lamps, candles, so many objects designed with passion that we enjoy contemplating at home and then transmitting, such as a Madeleine by Proust... A lot of symbolism in this “Umami Ceramic” workshop, which celebrates craftsmanship, natural beauty, natural beauty, sustainable aesthetics, sustainable aesthetics, sustainable aesthetics, harmony, and especially the taste for life... Values that Inès shares with small groups during her weekly workshops that allow anyone who wants to give birth to his own creation.


Workshop & online store:

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Pictures: © Marie Caroline Locret

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