


Welcome to an institution where discreet luxury meets history. Founded by Henri Négresco and designed by the French architect Édouard Niermans in 1912, the legendary Negresco hotel is known for its Belle Époque architecture that can be admired from the famous Promenade des Anglais. Vintage furniture and paintings, carefully selected works of art, crystal tapestries and chandeliers... Its rich decor and timeless charm enchant guests in every space. With its 102 rooms and 26 suites, all inspired by French art, this haven of elegance and refinement transforms your stay into a memorable time

Bon à savoir

  • The facade of the hotel is classified as a historical monument.

  • The Negresco has its own tapestry workshops, from the Compagnons du Devoir.

  • The Royal Salon, formerly a ballroom, can accommodate up to 500 guests for all major receptions and events.

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© Grégoire Gardette
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© Anthony Lanneretonne
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© Grégoire Gardette
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© Anthony Lanneretonne
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© Didier Bouko
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© Grégoire Gardette
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